Deeper understanding leads to better outcomes
Security Center
How SMBC protects you
In today's environment the safeguarding of sensitive information and the protection of internet initiated transactions must be taken seriously. At SMBC we believe that this is one of the greatest concerns of our clients and so, to ensure your data is protected at all times, we have implemented a range of measures and technologies designed to mitigate the risks of online banking.
Legal Disclaimer
The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only. While it is presented in good faith, it is not intended as, and should not be relied upon as, legal advice or as a comprehensive plan of information security, and SMBC disclaims all liability for any such reliance on your part.
Website validation
Through validation measures we can ensure that you are entering the legitimate E-Moneyger® site and not a replica 'phishing' site.
To protect against phishing and other forms of online fraud E-Moneyger® has an Extended Validation SSL Certificate. This is an industry best practice solution designed to show you instantly that you are interacting with the legitimate website and not a fraudulent website. Navigating to a website, such as E-Moneyger®, that is using an Extended Validation SSL Certificate will turn your browsers address bar green and will display the companies name and who has issued their security certificate. This green address bar tells you that the website is fully encrypted and that a certification authority has verified the website is run by a legitimate organization.
At SMBC we believe that robust security is the key to safety online and so in addition to the Extended Validation SSL Certificate employed in E-Moneyger® we also utilize a personal greeting message. This allows you to choose a personal message, which only you would know, to be displayed prior to entering your password and token response.
By looking out for these 2 factors you can always be assured that you are accessing the legitimate E-Moneyger® site.
If, when logging in, you do not see your personal message or the address bar is not green, do not attempt to log on. Contact our dedicated helpdesk, for assistance.
Protecting your password
To protect customers from the risk of internet fraud, SMBC Group uses a two-factor authentication process when you log on to E-Moneyger®. Two-factor authentication provides an extra layer of security by asking you for something you know – such as your password, as well as something you physically have – a device such as token. In practice this means that when you log in to E-Moneyger®, in addition to your user ID and password, you will also need to enter a number randomly generated by your physical token. Your token will generate a different code each time you log on to E-Moneyger®, making online identity theft based on the capture of your password very unlikely.
For our EMEA customers, as part of SMBC Group’s commitment to online security and recent changes instigated as part of a European regulatory requirement, known as the Payment Service Directive 2 (PSD2), customers now require the free and easy to use SMBC Digital App, which is available for download on both the App Store and Google Play, to log in to E-Moneyger®. PSD2 also requires all online payment instructions to be signed with dynamic linking, which means when you approve E-Moneyger® payments, the contents are sent to your SMBC Digital App for review.
Data security
We employ rigorous processes and technologies to ensure that only authorized and registered users can access customer data.
- E-Moneyger® supports granular segregation of duties based on user roles. These roles are customizable to individual customer requirements, including dual control over sensitive functions.
- All components of the E-Moneyger® environment are housed in two Bank owned secure data centers, operated and controlled by Bank personnel. Our resilient architecture, with replicated data processing capabilities, is designed to ensure continuous service in the event of a system failure or other disaster scenario.
- All communication between you and E-Moneyger® is encrypted. We mandate a minimum of 128-bit end to end encryption using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Used in conjunction with the green menu bar of the Extended Validation SSL certificate, we give you a secure channel through which to access and process your data.
- State-of-the-art firewall technologies are employed to not only prevent unauthorized access to E-Moneyger®, but also to protect your information once we have received it internally.
- Environmental controls such as uninterruptible power supply, generators, air conditioning, fire suppression and physical access control to infrastructure items are in accordance with best practice standards.
Protecting your privacy
E-Moneyger® does not store information about your user session on your computer; neither does it make use of cookies on your computer to track your behavior. All information related to your E-Moneyger® session (e.g., page visited in E-Moneyger®) is stored within E-Moneyger® itself and is destroyed once the session is closed.
We seek independent assurance over our security technologies and practices
- E-Moneyger® infrastructure and technologies are subject to frequent review by both internal and external auditors.
- In advance of each upgrade to E-Moneyger®, a detailed assessment of the application code is conducted to identify potential vulnerabilities and targeted 'attacks' are performed to ensure that the application cannot be easily exploited.
- A trusted third party performs technical vulnerability assessments every month to identify any potential weaknesses in the security architecture.